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The researchers found that there were several apparent contradictions, or paradoxical elements, in the data they collected from the four studies. For example, they found that teacher beliefs about students seemed to either stimulate or hinder the adoption of blended learning, depending on the type of belief. Other attributes from the first study were more difficult to link. However, the researchers found that some of the attributes were indeed associated. For example, they found that daring to experiment (and fail) can have a downside, namely showing anxiety to (the implications of) technology. Someone who is anxious will be more hesitant to experiment. Dealing with failure when experimenting with new educational technologies is risky.

In study two, the researchers found that there is a complex relationship between what teachers believe about blended learning and how they actually organize practice. In other words, just because a teacher has certain beliefs about blended learning doesn't mean that those beliefs are automatically turned into action in the classroom.

Study 3: There were some differences between what the first-year students and the other students said in the study. The first-year students seemed to need more time to build social cohesion when starting at university.

Study four is about how the individual is influenced by various aspects of the context. The issue of finding balance between teamwork, design and structural time remains an area of concern for teachers.

Read the entire Discussion in the full dissertation.